Yes, this is a fantastic place. No question about it. The maths is great (tough and I am frankly overloaded), people are awesome and the surroundings? Heaven. Paradise. Nirvana. It is simply awesome. I feel happy, after a long time...
Yes, I am quite excited. I have every right to be. I have been quite lucky in my life to get to such beautiful opportunities to do mathematics, such as this lovely program for women in mathematics:
I think the organizers here are doing tremendous work and this program is running every year, with the topics sort of matching the topics of the special years here at the Institute. So this year, it's some algebraic geometry. What does that entail?
- Lectures: Liz Beazley gave a beautiful, hands on series on Grassmannians and Flag varieties, it was all very concrete, with great examples and intuition to see what was really happening. And we could draw some pictures, that was so nice... Claire Voisin talked about birational invariatns, mostly way beyond my understanding, but I have learnt a lot from the first few days. And did away with my fear of sheaves and bundles and it was all so beautiful. It is good to see some hard maths sometimes, discuss it with others and try to form some sort of a picture. It does feel like jumping right into the middle of the lake and learning how to swim well enough to survive until someone comes and fishes you out. Some faster swimmers reach the dry land, some drown...
- Seminars: intensive talks, some people do some amazing stuff. Really beautiful things. We have talks both on very advanced and complicated research and accessible topics, most of the speakers are so great. It shows how big the mathematical world is, sometimes you discover links that you were not aware of before, some things start making more sense afterwards... And it's fun.
- Socializing. The girls here are quite cool and everyone has an interesting story to tell, be it life, mathematics or all together, most of the people really are fun to be around. One can make great new friends and enjoy lots of beautiful discussions with similarly minded people.
- Sunbathing, coffee breaks and beautiful dinners. Tonight we had some tacos. I must admit that I was a desperate and ridiculously incompetent diner tonight.
So that's it for now. I am still overwhelmed by all this happening. More to come...
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