So I am in Holland. To be precise, in a town called Leiden, close to Amsterdam. What the hell am I doing here is not exactly clear, I am here as an Erasmus student, probably until June, I am supposed to write my bachelor's thesis here... That doesn't say much about what I will or want to do here, but after all, this is my second day here, so I have plenty of time to come up with something.
Fajn, úvod bych měla za sebou, tak teď přichází čas na to, abych se omluvila všem, se kterými jsem se nerozloučila či jim to osobně nesdělila. Ale kdo ví proč, ten ví proč, a kdo neví proč a nevšiml si, že ani předchozí půlrok jsem nebyla kdovíjak dostupná, se snad spokojí s mou omluvou. Abych to alespoň trochu napravila, zde je odkaz:
Right, I have managed some introduction, so here comes the time to say sorry to everyone I didn't have the chance to say goodbye to or to whom I didn't get a chance to mention this personally. But who knows why will know why and who does not know why and hasn't noticed that even for the past half year or so I have not been exactly available will have to do with just an apology. As an attempt for remedy, here is a link:
(Ano, je to ten stejný link. Yes, it is exactly the same link.)
Kouzelné místo, nemyslíte?
A magic place, don't you think?
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